My Mission
Hey my love! If we haven’t met yet, I’m Susie welcome into my space. My intention is to inspire you; to give you permission to express, dance & be ALL of you; and to teach, guide, & serve you back to your Authentic Self.
What I want for all women, is liberation from their own minds (from the inner critic, from fears, & from limiting beliefs) so they can become their own version of FULLY EXPRESSED, & feel the bliss & ecstasy of living as their Authentic Selves in the world. I am here to empower women.
I want ALL women to experience passion, pleasure, power & purpose, and to feel confident, sexy, radiant, sensual & feminine. A-fucking-men!!
Let me give you my backstory… it’s easy to hop onto other women’s pages, see their expression, & start comparing yourself (amiright?!). Let’s make a promise - let’s not do that here, kay?
My Story
So, just to be clear, I wasn’t always like this. And I STILL have moments where I don’t feel empowered, confident, or radiant. I still hide sometimes. I tell you this because it’s all OKAY. This is not about being perfect in our expression, our liberation, or our self-belief. Perfection is impossible. We will always ebb & flow. What I do know is that it gets easier & easier to bring myself back into alignment when I get out. This journey of life will keep challenging us in all the beautiful ways our soul desires to grow in this lifetime.

Though I don't consider myself having had a traumatic or difficult childhood, as I've gained awareness I've come to understand that my childhood had a HUGE part to play in my limiting beliefs, tendencies, & fears. Now, my parents did the best they could & I don't blame them or hold any resentment, but I want to share my story with you, to bring awareness around how our childhood shapes, moulds & impacts our lives - whether we view our childhoods as traumatic or not.
So here's my WHOLE story:
I grew up in New Zealand until I was 9. My dad was born in a small village in fascist Spain - he experienced a lot of childhood trauma. My mum's dad was an alcoholic & her mother had bipolar. I could elaborate on the generational trauma & on my parent's parents stories, but you get the gist.
I always felt very loved by my parents, they always supported me, & they were both committed to giving me a different up-bringing than what they had.
Though they always treated me with love & they always supported me, they weren't so kind to themselves. My dad was riddled with insecurities & my mum lacked worthiness & self-love. (Cue: me inheriting their beliefs about themselves. I learnt that I wasn't enough either)
My mum was the bread winner & took the masculine role. My dad shrunk. The polarity in their relationship was back to front - it didn't work. They argued a lot & didn't have open communication. (Cue: me seeing dysfunctional love, communication & relationship dynamics as 'normal')
Because of their arguments, I learnt to be the 'good girl' - not to fuss or complain, not to add to the tension in the house. I was a straight A student, high achiever & never rocked the boat. (Cue: conflict avoidance, people pleasing & perfectionsism - lol)
We moved to Australia when I was 9 & a few months later my parents split up & my dad went back to Spain. I didn't realise until many years later, but this deeply affected me. (Cue: abandonment wound, cue: reinforcement of the belief that I wasn't enough, cue: no healthy masculine role model)
At school I wanted desperately to be in the 'cool group'. I always felt left out. I never felt like I wasn't cool enough, sporty enough, pretty enough... I always compared myself.
Since I was little I had always wanted to be a doctor. In school I tried really hard to get good grades, I was super hard on myself, & continued with the comparison. I learnt that burning myself out from study was normal & almost to be celebrated.
After school I went to uni - I did a Batchelor of Health Science & got into Medical School - my dream. After 5 years of uni I felt anxious, depressed & unhappy. I remember feeling like my happiness was just around the corner, in the future. “When I finish this year I'll be happy, when I finish uni I'll be happy, when I graduate I'll be happy.” My happiness was always in the future.
At this time in my life I was in a long-term relationship where, though he treated me well, I was not fulfilled. I was bored tbh. It didn't feel passionate or exciting. Sex was boring - I avoided it at all costs & we probably did it once a month. I was only fucking 21!!!
I then started partying a lot & taking drugs, trying to fill the void & get a bit of excitement in my life. I had a lot of fun & have no regrets about this phase of my life but I know now that the desire to party & take drugs was fuelled by unhappiness, unworthiness, purposelessness, & emptiness.

Graduating from my Batchelors degree (I'm in the white dress!)

'Scrub Crawl' - a med school party

Festivals & Raves were my thing (I'm 2nd from the left)
I decided to defer medical school & go travelling for a year. Ever since I could remember I had this burning desire in me to travel the world, experience new places, go to exotic countries. So I deferred med school & broke up with my boyfriend.
While working to save up for travelling, I kept partying & met a new boyfriend. This relationship was fun & exciting & full of passion - everything my previous relationship wasn't. We partied together & took lots of drugs. We were obsessed with each other. I was far from bored in this relationship, but the excitement & obsession turned into toxicity & there were lots of fights. We triggered the fuck out of each others wounds & neither of us knew how to handle it. He spoke to me in very unkind ways, he would yell & shout & blame me for everything. My life became an obstacle-course of trying to avoid things that would make him angry. When he did get angry I would shut-down & withdraw & that triggered him even more. We were stuck in a trauma loop.
Eventually we broke up & I found myself travelling Europe alone while processing the break up. I kept travelling the world - everything I wanted, but I still felt alone. I clung to people I met. I moulded myself to fit in. I was self-conscious & insecure. You wouldn't have seen it from the outside but I was still unhappy deep down.
After over a year of travel I came home. I started a yoga teacher training at Essence of Living. Slowly things were starting to unravel for me. Though I still put pressure on myself, felt like I had to be the best, & worked myself into the ground, I was slowly becoming aware of & unravelling my programming.
I got in another relationship - this time with a beautiful spiritual boy. Though there was no toxicity & he was a beautiful soul, we also activated each others wounds: I had anxious attachment & he had avoidant attachment. I was always chasing his love, attention & validation (from a place of lack, as in, I didn't love or validate myself, I didn't know how) & so he felt smothered.
I started taking online courses on self-love, confidence, sensuality, psychology, neuroscience, trauma, mindset, dance, energetics, manifestation... I was obsessed. I went deep into my own healing journey. I uncovered patterns & wounds. I processed, I released, I reprogrammed. I worked with psychologists, counsellors, coaches, mentors, healers. I binge-read books, & binged self-development podcasts. Anything I could get my hands on.
When that relationship came to a close I let myself fall fully apart. I felt the depths of my pain - and of the previous 2 breaks-ups & my dad leaving me all at once. It was a deep dark night of the soul. I used all the tools I had. I created my own tools. And I deeply learnt to feel, process, & release emotions, trauma, fears & limiting beliefs. I learnt to hold myself. I learnt that I've got me. That I'm safe with myself. I gained my power. I learnt to fully love myself. It was during this break-up that I created Alchemy. I unravelled my previous relationships & found the medicine in each. I chose differently for my next relationship. I decided I was never going to feel the way I felt in those relationships ever again. I raised my mother fucking standards - A LOT - by learning to love myself. I finally stepped into my worth.
I'd started my business a few years back & that continued to be a portal for my deepest healing & evolution, for aaaaaall my wounds to be revealed, triggered & alchemised: high achiever & perfectionist tendencies... abandonment wound... the need to feel chosen & validated to feel like I was enough... It's been the PERFECT platform to heal all my shit!!! So whatever fears, insecurities or limiting patterns you're moving through... I've probably alchemised them within myself! I GOTCHU BOO
Fast forward 5 years from starting my business and here we are. Having done more courses than I can count & having alchemised countless personal triggers, challenges & internal crises... Here we are!
I'm in a beautiful relationship with a beautiful man, with open communication, where I feel so loved, so supported, so adored. I genuinely fucking love myself. I deeply know my worth. I feel safe within myself to be my full self (most of the time). I feel empowered & a deep inner strength within myself. I love to express, & dance, & exude my sensual Seductress energy. I mostly feel confident, radiant, free, & on fucking fire. And when I don't I know how to bring myself back. And I help women feel this way every day of my life. And that is the absolute fucking best feeling ever.

My beautiful man & I in Turkey

My beautiful man & I in a hot air balloon in Turkey!

A still from one of the choreos I teach inside Seductress

In my fucking ELEMENT performing a sexy dance & pole routine on stage
A few years ago I created my signature program The Fully Expressed Woman (formerly The Empowered Women Transformation) where I teach basically everything I've learnt on this journey. All the things that deeply supported me in unravelling my programming, my insecurities, my fears, & my limiting beliefs. All the things that supported me in learning to express myself & be my Authentic Self in the world.
The transformations my clients have experienced inside blows my fucking mind everytime & truly lights my soul on fire.
It is everything I'm meant to do in this life.
If you resonate with any of my story, and/or if you feel called to work with me, reach out. I'd LOVE to hear from you. You can send me an email, send me a DM on Instagram, or browse my offerings.
I love you & I'm so here for you.
x Susie
- 2024 Holy Fuck Relationship Church (Spiritual Relationship course on Divine Union, Masculine-Feminine Dynamics & Energetics) with Chelsey Huntsman & Oren Harris
- 2023 Money Mentality Makeover (manifesting & neural reprogramming course) with Amanda Frances
- 2023 Embodied Burlesque 8-week dance course
- 2023 ONO 8-week Embodied Stripper Feminine Dance Course with GC Polefit
- 2023 Mastery (6-month Embodied Public Speaking course) with The Enlivened Speaking Institute
- 2023 Level 1, 2 & 3 Pole Dance Courses with GC Polefit
- 2022-2023 Apex Business Mentorship with Instinct Education
- 2022 Evolution (business marketing course) with Instinct Education
- 2022 Embodied Womban (Womb Wisdom & Menstrual Cycle course) with Jaymie Charles & Courtney Lowe
- 2022 Exquisite (energetics course) with Chelsey Huntsman & Oren Harris
- 2021-2022 2-years inside To Be Magnetic The Pathway (Energetics, Neuroscience, & Manifestation)
- 2021 4-month 1:1 Spiritual & Feminine Embodiment Business Mentorship with Chelsey Huntsman
- 2021 Feel Channel Receive - Feminine Energetics Business course + 1:1 mentorship with Ashae Sundara
- 2021 Transmission (online course creation) with Chelsey Huntsman
- 2021 The Quantum Year - 12-month spiritual business masterclass series with Ashae Sundara
- 2021 Roll & Release 25-hr Certificate Essence of Living, Gold Coast
- 2020 Reiki Level 1 with Aida Jasmine Reiki Master
- 2020 Queendom (Feminine Embodiment Course) with Laura Ellen
- 2020 Yin Yoga 100-hr Certificate Essence of Living, Gold Coast
- 2020 Meditation & Pranayama Course 25-hr Certificate Essence of Living, Gold Coast
- 2020 In the Business of Yoga & Holistic Health 25-hr Certificate Essence of Living, Gold Coast
- 2019 Advanced Yoga Philosophy 50-hr Certificate Essence of Living, Gold Coast
- 2019 Pilates Level 2/Barre Teacher Training 100-hr Certificate Essence of Living, Gold Coast
- 2019 Pilates Level 1 Teacher Training 160-hr Certificate Essence of Living, Gold Coast
- 2019 Yoga Level 1 Teacher Training 200-hr Certificate Essence of Living, Gold Coast
- 2019-2020 Essence of Living (EOL) scholarship
- 2016 Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training 200-hr Certificate. Rishikesh, India
- 2014–2016 Doctor of Medicine (did not complete)
- 2011–2013 Bachelor of Health Science