Calling the spiritual women who are ready to take their personal development to the next level: liberated sensual + sexual expression + deeply embodied, devotional self-love ❤️🔥
The ones who want to turn their ‘good’ relationships into wild, delicious, 24/7 turn on 💋
The women who desire to have more, experience more, feel more 🧞♀️
The women who have had a taste of their feminine flow and are ready to fully release their masculine armour + truly embrace their softness, their fire, + their liberated expression 🫦
You're my people 🫶

I see you boo.
➡️ You’ve done your fair share of personal development work - you've got the mindset stuff mastered, you've processed childhood and past trauma, you intellectually understand how to rewire your beliefs... but you still yearn for more... something more intangible...more feminine...you yearn to FEEL the sensations of pleasure rippling through your body moment-to-moment
➡️ You know investing in yourself is the portal to quantum leaps in your evolution + your life
➡️ You’ve grown leaps & bounds with old people pleasing + perfectionism tendencies, you intellectually understand where they come from, but you’re desiring a deeper integration and embodiment of your own love and inherent worthiness (which you know will dissolve these final threads)
➡️ You love your rituals and crystals. You sage + cleanse your house + your journal is your bestie. But you still have moments of not enoughness where you question your worth. You still play it safe + small sometimes + your authentic self isn't always allowed to come out to play.
➡️ You’re in a relationship with a GOOD man (YAY). You’ve left behind the unhealthy dynamics of previous relationships, and you’re in a relationship with a man who loves you + prioritises you. Buuuutttttttttttt you know there’s MORE! Your soul + your body yearn for a deeper, delicious, more intimate connection but you’re just not quite sure how to get there...
I been thereeeeeeee
I'd done a tonne of personal development work, been through many dark nights of the soul, I'd left behind narcissistic-codependent & anxious-avoidant relationship dynamics, and I'd stopped suppressing my emotions with food, partying & drugs.
My relationship with my man was good, but it wasn't blow-my-brains-out, obsessed-with-his-cock, DELICIOUS.
And just like you, I'm a woman who WANTS IT ALL.
Just like you, I'd decided to say FUCK THE SYSTEM to bullshit lies like 'the honeymoon phase in relationships has to end', 'you can't be your full self, don't be too much', and 'life is hard'.

Coz now, my relationship gets better & wetter everyday💦 We kiss each other about 5 million times a day. We're OBSESSED with each other's bodies. We snuggle sleep. We have sex breaks in the middle of the day. My man picks me flowers on his walks, brings me womb support tea when I'm bleeding, and gives me mind-blowing orgasms 5+ times a week. Oh, and I'm obsesseddddd with his cock. 🍆
I love to express, & dance, & exude my sensual Seductress energy. I love giving my man lap dances and strip shows. I love strutting around the house in sexy outfits and watching his eyes devour me. I feel confident, radiant, free, & on fucking fire. And when I don't, I know how to bring myself back. 💋
I genuinely fucking love myself. I deeply know my worth. I feel safe within myself to be my full authentic self (most of the time). I feel empowered & a deep inner strength within myself. ❤️🔥
And I help women feel this way every day of my life. And that is the absolute fucking best feeling ever. 🥹

My beautiful man & I

In my ELEMENT, OWNING my Seductress energy on stage in my dance performance

Living my best life, as my Authentic Self, IN LOVE with myself, my life & my man

I've found the secret formula
My work uses science, magic, energy, psychology, intuition, embodied knowledge, and learnt wisdom. I teach women how to master their emotions, reprogram their minds, embody their feminine energy, tap into their inner Seductress, wield the power of tantric masculine-feminine polarity, & unblock their voice, so they can become their own authentic version of FULLY EXPRESSED.
And now it's Your turn x

The Secret Formula
We’re gonna teach you HOW to process, sit with, & moveeeee uncomfortable feelings + emotions out of your body (like the icky-collapsing-not good enough feelings) so they no longer have control over you!!
You’ll become a self-regulated, grounded, empowered Goddess 👑 aaaand BONUS: you’ll be clearing emotional energy blocks outta your system left, right + centre, meaning your desires are gonna start landing in your lap 🪄 and making your body 10x more FLUID, OPEN & MAGNETIC 🧲
We’re gonna use energy healing, hypnosis, + other witchy shit to ALCHEMISE THE FUCK outta past experiences that placed ‘not enough’ conditioning into your brain in the first place. We’re pulling it out from the root baby!
🔥 We’ll be upgrading beliefs, structures + habits to have you asserting boss bitch boundaries, speaking your TRUTH, and strutting through life like Beyonce at the Grammys.
🫦 We’re gonna use sensual + feminine embodiment practices, + menstrual cycle wisdom to connect you SO DEEPLY with your body, your sensuality, & your expression that your partner is gonna feel like he’s dating the hottest, sexiest, most divine woman on the planet 🪐
Your gonna connect so deeply with your body + Her wisdom that you always know what words to speak, actions to take, decisions to make. Boundaries will become effortless because listening to your body will become so second-nature you don’t even think about it anymore.
Learn 🙌 ECC communication + 🔥 tantric masculine feminine energetics to create the hottest, most delicious, harmonious, multi-org*smic conscious relationship of your dreams with your lover man ❤️🔥
My signature Empowered Compassionate Communication method teaches you to speak your Truth, assert your boundaries, and express your needs, wants + desires from a really powerful, yet grounded, kind + compassionate place, so that it actually creates more connection + harmony in your relationships.

whatchu get:
✔️ A 5 month time-bending vortex with your soul sisters to step into your unapologetic essence + create deep delicious intimacy with your man!
✔️ 16+ modules on emotional mastery, reprogramming beliefs, feminine embodiment, sensuality, communication, + tantric masculine-feminine energetics
✔️ Homeplay packs to apply the wisdom to your life
✔️ Alchemical tools, guided practices, + meditations to deeply integrate & embody the wisdom
✔️ Hypnosis sessions for reprogramming + alchemising the past
✔️ Fortnightly embodiment calls for expression + integration
✔️ Fortnightly Q&A calls for coaching, support + sharing
✔️ Group chat for support, inspiration + accountability
✔️ A community of women journeying with you
✔️ Connection, space-holding, love, collective healing, & sisterhood
✔️ Feel deeply supported, held + understood

Apply below x
your investment options

Apply here
⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️
the vibeeeeee
of our yum practices & calls

this is for you if...
...But you currently suppress yourself...
- You feel a bit shyyyyyyy + awkward in your sensual expression. Your inner Seductress hasn’t fully come out of her shell.
- You’d LOVE to strip for + lapdance your man but it feels eeeeeeeeeeee scary… kinda awkward & VULNERABLE.
- You’re not superrrrrrrr connected to your own pleasure & sensuality outside of sex. Likeeee maybe you use your vibrator if your partner is away but 45min self-pleasure sessions aren’t a thing in your life…yet 😏
- Your voice + truth still get a little suppressed. You don’t fullyyy transparently communicate everything that’s going on for you with your man.
- Your throat still blocks up + you kinda wanna run away when there’s something to bring up. It doesn’t always go down the best way so you’re ready to up-level your communication + deepen into intmacy.
- At work you still kinda shy away from conflict. Your boundaries are good but ready for an up-level. (You know it’s from your parents / conditioning, you’ve done work around it + you’re ready to blast through the final layers).
- Your relationship with your man is good & healthy but not #couplegoals AMAZING. Sex is great but not MIND-BLOWING. You want that Deep Delicious Connection.
- You know you’re in excess masculine energy - in your head more than your body, in hustle/chasing/control around opportunities
- You flop between having lots of energy & then feeling burnt the fuck out
- You don’t feel particularly sexy
- You feel anxious/worried/overwhelmed more than you feel relaxed/surrendered
Client love 🫶

I knowwww you might be feelin':
🙈 "I'll be awkward and embarrass myself and have to dance in front of everyone"
🔥 But rest assured this is the SAFEST space ever, we build up to things slowwwwwly (I'm not throwing you in the deep end right away - dance + embodiment isn't till pillar 3), and you can always turn your camera off if you feel super uncomfy
🙈 "This is for more advanced confident and hot girls"
🔥 But rest assured this is the space where you BECOME a confident hot gal! That's why we here my love.
🙈 "All my deepest trauma will come up and I don't want to face it (sexual trauma??)"
🔥 But rest assured we go slowly, you're given all the tools you need to be able to hold yourself through the triggers before we go into uncovering anything. You are held in this safe space. And the foundational pillars equip you with everything you need to anchor into your own safety.
🙈 "I'll outgrow my man / friends / job if I'm this honest with myself"
🔥 Whatever falls away when you step into your authentic self wasn't meant for you anyway my love. If you're holding yourself back out of fear of losing someone else, you're actually losing yourself - you're abandoning yourself.
🙈 "If I'm fully expressed I'll be 'too much' for my man"
🔥 Your man wants ALL OF YOU. He wants you in your FULLNESS. He doesn't want some dimmed down, suppressed, watered-down version of you. And again, if he doesn't, he's not the right one.
🙈 "I don’t have the money rn! I'll join next round"
🔥 We got paymment plans boo! My advice: stop delaying the things you want and start taking radical action to get there x
I used to think to myself...
"I wish I could be unapologetic & sensual af"
~ Hiding or suppressing parts of yourself ~
~ Feeling a block in your throat when you go to express yourself ~
~ Not wearing what you dream of wearing ~
~ Not feeling sexy or feminine ~
~ Second-guessing yourself ~
~ Feeling disconnected to your sensuality or pleasure ~
~ Seeking validation in others ~
~ Holding yourself back from your fullest potential ~
~ Struggling to communicate your feelings, needs + desires ~
~ Comparing yourself to others ~
~ Finding it hard to say no ~
~ Critical thoughts about yourself ~
~ Avoiding confrontation ~
~ Numbing (food, shopping, TV, social media, weed…) ~
~ Withdrawing or lashing out ~
Then just like me, the root of ALL your problems is
a limiting belief that you're not enough.
And so if you keep working superficially
(e.g. talk therapy, reading books, meditation, yoga, breathwork, affirmations...)
without addressing this root belief you’ll keep ending up in the same place no matter what you try.
So what we do is we heal this once and for all using our signature neuroscience-backed hypnosis, reprogramming, & inner child healing formula, coupled with daily action
So that you can finally
embody the belief
that you areEnough.


“The reason for doing this course was because I felt stuck’, I’d lost myself over the last four years, lost my mojo. Post-covid left me drinking more, eating more, and exercising less! I was on autopilot, living my life out of habit. The problem was that even though I knew that I was the one who had to make some changes, I didn’t know how.
I wanted to understand why I kept falling back into unhelpful habits and why I couldn’t embrace and be content with parts of me that I knew were okay. The way in which this course is written, presented, and facilitated encouraged me to be transparent and trust in the process. The website is easy to understand and navigate around. Every Pillar and code are interconnected. I found myself often being pleasantly surprised when completing each pillar and the sense of moving forward in my understanding as to why I felt stuck. An integral part of this course for me was to commit to attending the weekly group calls and completing the weekly toolkit table. Susie, the founder, and writer of this course is an exceptional group facilitator. I always felt heard and safe during our group calls. To be able to sit in a technological space and feel okay about revealing one’s inner most thoughts is a very powerful experience and Susie kind of cradles one through this. The additional learnings such as meditations, recommended books and podcasts are endless. Also, Susie is accommodating should one be after something else. For example: she put together a walking meditation for me. In the past, I have done a lot of study at various tertiary levels, which, have totalled a hefty sum. This course has been one of the cheapest and yet one of the most life changing for me.
Now that I have successfully completed the course and transitioned into a Queen, I can say that I’m no longer stuck. Don’t get me wrong, I have my days when I slip into autopilot, however, now I’ve got the tools to switch into ‘conscious’ living. Where I am aware of what is going on in the now and making decisions that serve me well. I have all the course material to fall back on and every day I listen to Susie’s positive affirmation Medi’s. I feel lighter in mind and accepting of my physical unique self. I don’t drink during the week and mindful of when I do. I’m still working on my diet and I’m okay with that. It’s a beautiful feeling to get my mojo back.
Thank you, Susie, I will always be grateful.”
Tanya B
"I used to think I’m not living a happy life because I’m not good enough. I used to feel like I’m stuck and cannot go anywhere. I used to believe l’m safe as long as I don’t express my feelings. I was always worried, disappointed, anxious, confused and had no confidence in myself. That was Old Me.
Once I started working with Susie, I realised that l was the one who was suppressing my feelings, I was the one who didn’t give myself a choice, didn’t love myself and trust myself.
New Me knows that I don’t need to wait for anyone to love me, save me or praise me. l can tell myself “I love you”, ”you’re beautiful” and “you’re safe” anytime I need. l can give a kiss and cuddle to myself anytime I want.
Old Me still visits me sometimes, but now she knows that New Me loves her so much and will never leave her.
I’m so beyond grateful for Susie and her course, and my beautiful sisters who went through the journey together with me. They are still in my heart all the time.
If there is anyone who has feelings like Old Me but have no idea what to do, I recommend you contact Susie. Susie and your accountability sisters will be on your side all the time. I’m sending lots of love to you too" 🧡
Aya B

"A chrysalis for transformation"
"I love Susie and everything that she offers !! I am so grateful for working with her. It was so powerful to be held, witnessed, guided and supported through it all, to be able to be vulnerable and open, to set the container as sacred space where growth and breakthroughs could happen.
A chrysalis for transformation as we worked through what was coming up for me; limiting beliefs, self doubt and fears, all the things that keep us small.
Through this process I felt more grounded in my being, connected to my truth, confident to follow my heart and worthy of my desires. When you’re moving through life from this space it is so much more joyous, pleasurable, fun, effervescent (insert any juicy, delicious adjectives that make you smile here), it makes life so much more worth living, so much more meaningful. It’s easy to forget who we are, what makes us feel connected to our heart or allows our light to shine brightest.
Thank you Susie for the beautiful, invaluable, conversations, contemplations and practices that you shared. I am so grateful to have you as a amazing mentor and dear friend."
Jess V

Lara W

"Susie delivered everything I needed and wanted plus more!!! The only word I can think of to sum it all up would be magical!"
Chantelle W